About Us
M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women (Autonomous) is committed to the goals of attracting and supporting top calibre women students in the areas of higher education. Dewan Bahadur M.O.Parthasarathy Aiyengar a leading barrister, visionary philanthropist of yester years was an advocate of women’s education. Sri Vallabhacharya Vidya Sabha, the prominent managing body of D.G. Vaishnav College, in its Silver Jubliee Year in association with Deewan Bahadur M.O.Parthasarathy Aiyengar Charities established this women’s college in 1992. This college is a dream realization, the result of the determination and sustained efforts of the two trusts. Both of these organizations have eminent industrialists, administrators and people committed to the cause of women’s education. While M.O.P Charities set apart the prime land in the heart of Chennai, the infrastructure and administrative expertise are being provided by Sri Vallabhacharya Vidya Sabha. Since its inception the college has recorded a phenomenal continual growth.
Initiated with just three courses- B.Com, BBA, B.Sc.(Maths) the college offers today 17 UG, 7 PG Programmes, and Research programmes in the Departments of Commerce, Management Studies and Communication & Media Studies. The college affiliated to the University of Madras, has strength of 3810 students, thus, recording a qualitative and quantitative growth. The college has been reaccredited by NAAC (National Assessment & Accreditation Council) at “A++” grade scale.
M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women also has the distinction of being one of the youngest colleges in the country to have been granted Autonomy by the University Grants Commission and University of Madras.
Dr. Archna Prasad
M.Com, M.B.A, Ph.D (Commerce), SLET (Commerce), UGC- NET (Management)
Licentiate Member ICSI (Li. C.S)
M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women (Autonomous)
Bio sketch
Dr. Archna Prasad has 23 years of teaching experience in the areas of Accounting, Finance and Human resource Management. An academic topper through school and college she was a University Rank holder in M. Com and the Recipient of the Sundaraman Medal for Proficiency in Commerce from the Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai.
Pursued Doctoral research from University of Madras on the topic ‘A study on Employability skills of students of Arts and Science Colleges in the University of Madras area.
She has been a resource person at various International Conferences, delivered guest lectures including Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Knowledge Network India (Overseas Centre of London School of Economics.
She has served as member of Board of Studies at various colleges in the city.
An examiner in several prominent Universities and Colleges, she has also been nominated as Member Inspection Commission for grant of affiliation for courses offered under University of Madras.
In her previous role at M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women (Autonomous), she was the Head of Department – B.B.A, Dean – students guiding and supervising the efforts of the Student Cabinet and is a member of the Standing Committee for Autonomy. She also co-ordinated the Student Mentoring programme, the MOMs Club (Mothers of MOP) initiatives and is a faculty advisor for NCC. In the past, she has been co-ordinator of soft skills (2004 – 2018), Member -steering committee for NAAC (All 4 cycles) and Autonomy (All review cycles).
She has several publications to her credit. Some of the significant publications:
- Financial Literacy Behaviour & perception of personal Finances: A study with reference to people of Chennai. BioGecko, ISSN 2230-5807, UGC Care listed Group II, Web of Science
- A Study on Green Practices Adopted by Small Retailers in Chennai. TEST Engineering and Management, Volume No. 83, March – April 2020, ISSN: 0193 – 4120, Page No. 1812 – 1818, SCOPUS Indexed coverage for 2020.
- Organisational commitment – A study with reference to millennial workers in IT & ITES companies in Chennai, Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research (EIJFMR), ISSN 2395 – 5929, Volume IV, special issue IV, March 2018, Page No. 643-652, UGC Approval Journal No: 45308.
- A study of consumer perception and Adoption of Sustainable Fashion In India, Journal of The oriental Institute, ISSN 0030-5324, UGC Care List No 135, Vol 71, Issue 01, No 14, 2022, pp 25-32.
Significant Awards and Memberships
- Fellow Member South Asian Institute for Advanced Research and Development.
- Best Manager Award in the 7th MMA Competition for Tomorrow’s Managers organised by Madras Management Association.
- 3 Best Paper Awards at International and National Conferences.
- Top 10% (top 30,000) of authors on SSRN by total new downloads within the last 12 months.
Dr. Archna Prasad
Faculty Unique ID - MOPA006
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Dr. Sumangala Devi K C
M.Com., M.B.A., M.Phil, S.L.E.T Passed, I.C.W.A (Inter), Ph.D
Teaching: 28 years
Research: 14 years
Bio Sketch
Dr. Sumangala Devi K.C., Associate professor has proven twenty eight years of teaching experience in the field of commerce and imparts knowledge in the domain relating to Accounts and Finance. The synergy of subject expertise assimilated from different professional courses has facilitated her to handle core subjects like Financial Accounting, Corporate Accounting, Management Accounting, Cost Accounting, Financial Management, Financial Reporting etc. She had served as guest faculty to share her extensive experience in the field and to inspire young learners. She had been as external examiner for various programmes in other City Colleges.
She is the core editor of Syndicate Journal of Management an online annual Journal published by M.O.P Vaishnav College of Women. She had published many articles in the Scopus Journal and UGC Care approved Peer Reviewed Journal. She had been a member of the Academic Council of University of Madras and member of Board of Studies at other City Colleges in Chennai. She played a pivotal role in the Question paper setting, conduct of examinations and evaluation as Controller of Examination for a period of four years in the college and is currently serving as Vice-Principal of the College.
Doctoral Research – Customer satisfaction of Cellular and Broadband Services – A comparative study of urban and rural service providers in Chennai city and its environs from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Shodhganga Link – http://hdl.handle.net/10603/33804
Significant Publications
- Artificial Intelligence – The road ahead with special reference to Banking Sector. International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovations ISSN – 23484705
- Capacity Building in Cyber security to make India secure to go cashless – A Study. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, (ISSN : 2277-3878, volume – 8, Issue – 2S11, September 2019), (Scopus Indexed Journal)
- A Study on the impact of social media on consumerism in Madurai City. Journal of Education : Rabindra Bharati University, ISSN : 0972 – 7175 Volume : XX111, UGC Care Approved Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal.
Dr. Sumangala Devi K C
Associate Professor in Commerce & Vice Principal
Faculty Unique ID - MOPA134
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Dr. Srividya Prathiba C S
M. Com, M.Phil., MBA, Ph.D
Teaching: 25years
Research: 12years
Doctoral Research : Leveraging Leadership Competencies and Strategies to Handle Challenges with Reference to Public Sector, Private Sector and Foreign Banks in Chennai
Shodhganga link :http://hdl.handle.net/10603/191393
Significant Publications
- Srividya Prathiba. (2020). A Study on Professors’ Adeptness and Students’ Expectations on Perceived Students’ Learning Outcome. Prabandhan: The Indian Journal of Management ISSN 0975-2854, Volume 13 Issue 1, Jan 2020 (SCOPUS Indexed)
- Srividya Prathiba. A Study on Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction and Repeated Purchase Behaviour of Organic Food Products -A Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Amity Journal of Marketing, ISSN no. 2455-975X Volume 3 Issue 1.
- Srividya Prathiba.(2019). Role of Passion as a Mediator between Motivational and Individual Traits of Technology Entrepreneurs. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). DOI:10.35940/ijrtec6465.118419 Corpus ID: 21961639 (SCOPUS Indexed)
- Srividya Prathiba. (2018). A Study on Investors’ Satisfaction and Repeated Investment Behavior a Structural Equation Modeling Approach. ANVESHAK – International Journal of Management, ISSN 2278 – 8913 Volume 7, Issue 2. (UGC Approved Journal-47702)
II Prize in paper presentation competition conducted by Madras Management Association on Winning Attitudes and Strategies 2002
Licenses & Certifications
A Certified Parent Counsellor
University of Madras (2005)
Scholar Sight Learning (April 2020)
Dr. Srividya Prathiba C S
Associate Professor in Commerce & Controller of Examinations
B.Com Accounting & Finance (Shift I)
Faculty Unique ID - MOPA050
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