Message from the IQAC Co-ordinator
Message from the IQAC Co-ordinator
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college established in the year 2000, spearheads the quality initiatives across the institution in terms of quality sustenance and quality enhancements. The IQAC constantly works on providing responsible education that advances the broader cause of social responsibility and incorporate universal values into the curricula. It also aims at setting a framework, which will serve as a guide to channelize the College’s efforts to continuously provide quality education.
With representatives from various domains, the IQAC regularly conducts quality circles and standing committee meetings to envision the growth strategies of the college and takes up the following matters that require strategic decision making.
The IQAC is responsible for ensuring that the quality assurance policies and procedures of the college are robust and effective in maintaining and monitoring the teaching, learning and research initiatives. It also organizes Induction Programs for newly recruited staff, Capacity Building Programs and Faculty Development Programs for teaching and non-teaching faculty.
The IQAC is a step towards excellence. The IQAC team of the college believes that this Cell will be a valued addition to the institution’s resources and will play a key role in its future development.
Dr. K.B. Priya Iyer

Dr. K.B. Priya Iyer
IQAC Coordinator
M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women (Autonomous),
Chennai – 600 034.