Data Validation and Verification (DVV) Extended Profile 1. Curricular Aspects 2. Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 3. Research, Innovation and Extension 4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources 5. Student Support and Progression 6. Governance, Leadership and Management 7. Institutional Values and Best Practices 8. Revised Data Templates 8. Revised Data Templates 1.3.2 List Of Value Added Courses Offered During The Last Five Years 2.1.2 Average Percentage of Seats filled against reserved categories 3.1.3 Staff awarded fellowship for advanced studies 3.3.2 Workshops and Seminars conduced on Research Methodology, IPR. Entrepreneurship and Skill Development 3.4.3 Research papers per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website 3.4.4 Books and chapters in edited volumes / books published per teacher 3.6.2 Number of awards and recognition received by the Institution, its teachers and students for extension activities 3.6.3 & 3.6.4 Extension and Outreach programs conducted 3.7.1 Collaborative Activities Number of functional MoUs with institutions of national, international importance, other Institutions, industries, corporate houses etc. year wise during last five years 5.1.2 Average percentage of students benefitted by scholarships, freeships etc. provided by the Institution and other non-government agencies during the last five years 5.1.4 Average percentage of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling 5.2.1 Average Percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last five years